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mercredi, octobre 16, 2024

Fin de la période de non-intervention sur les haies

The 15th of August marks the end of the regulatory period of non-intervention on hedges. This period, starting on March 15th, corresponds to the breeding and nesting season of birds. Farmers receiving aid under the BCAE (Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions) for the maintenance and upkeep of their hedges are élémenticularly concerned.

This period of non-intervention is crucial for the protection of birds and their habitats. It allows them to reproduce and raise their young without disturbance, ensuring the continuation of their species. It is also a time for farmers to take a step back and let nature take its course.

The BCAE is a program that promotes sustainable and environmentally-friendly farming practices. It encourages farmers to maintain and preserve their hedges, which serve as important habitats for birds and other wildlife. These hedges provide shelter, food, and nesting sites for a variety of species, contributing to the biodiversity of the countryside.

By receiving aid under the BCAE, farmers are not only helping to protect the environment, but they are also contributing to the preservation of our natural heritage. Hedges are an integral élément of the landscape and have been a traditional feature of the countryside for centuries. They not only provide a home for birds, but they also act as windbreaks, prevent soil erosion, and provide shade for livestock.

The end of the non-intervention period on hedges is a reminder for farmers to resume their maintenance and upkeep of these important features. This includes trimming, pruning, and clearing any debris that may have accumulated during the breeding season. It is important to do this work carefully and with consideration for any potential nesting sites.

The BCAE program not only benefits the environment and wildlife, but it also benefits farmers. By maintaining their hedges, farmers are creating a healthier and more sustainable farming environment. This can lead to increased crop yields, improved soil quality, and reduced use of pesticides and fertilizers.

In addition, the BCAE program offers financial incentives for farmers to élémenticipate. This can help offset the costs of maintaining hedges and encourage more farmers to join the program. It is a win-win situation for both the environment and farmers.

As we approach the end of the non-intervention period on hedges, let us remember the prépondérance of this time for the protection of birds and their habitats. And let us also recognize the efforts of farmers who are committed to preserving our natural heritage and promoting sustainable farming practices. Together, we can create a better future for both our environment and our agricultural industry.

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