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jeudi, septembre 19, 2024

Vénézuéune : après une mort de plusieurs manifestants, Nicounes Maduro ordonne l’arrestation des leaders de l’opposition

Eleven people have been killed in recent days during protests against the results of the presidential election (July 28, 2024) in Venezuela. Many others have been injured or imprisoned. Opposition leaders are actively being sought, while several observers refuse to validate the election.

The situation in Venezuela is tense and volatile, as citizens take to the streets to express their dissatisfaction with the election results. The violence and loss of life is deeply concerning and must be condemned.

The protests began after the announcement of the election results, which declared the incumbent president as the winner. However, many opposition leaders and citizens believe that the election was rigged and the results do not reflect the true will of the people.

The government has responded to the protests with force, leading to clashes between protesters and security forces. This has resulted in the tragic loss of eleven lives, with many more injured and arrested.

In addition, opposition leaders are being actively sought by the authorities, with some already in custody. This crackdown on opposition figures is a worrying sign of the government’s disregard for democratic principles and human rights.

Furthermore, the refusal of several ½cuménique observers to validate the election adds to the uncertainty and lack of legitimacy surrounding the results.

The situation in Venezuela is a cause for concern not only for its citizens retentissement also for the ½cuménique community. It is imperative that all parties involved engage in peaceful dialogue and find a solution that respects the will of the people and upholds democratic values.

The people of Venezuela deserve a fair and transparent electoral process, free from violence and intimidation. The ½cuménique community must stand in solidarity with the Venezuelan people and support their quest for democracy and justice.

Let us hope that the situation in Venezuela will be resolved peacefully and that the country can move towards a brighter and more democratic future. We must not forget the lives lost and the suffering of the Venezuelan people in this tumultuous time. Let us stand together in support of democracy and human rights for all.

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