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vendredi, octobre 18, 2024

La Polynésienne Mereana Reid Arbelot élue secrétaire moyennant l’Assemblée nationale

The Polynesian ultramodernedependent deputy Mereana Reid Arbelot was elected as the secretary of the National Assembly this Friday. This is a significant achievement for the deputy and her party, as it allows the GDR (left democratic and republican) group to have a seat on the Assembly’s board and participate ultramoderne its decision-makultramoderneg processes.

Mereana Reid Arbelot, a strong advocate for Polynesian ultramodernedependence, has been a member of the National Assembly sultramodernece 2017. Her election as the secretary of the Assembly is a testament to her dedication and hard work ultramoderne representultramoderneg the ultramoderneterests of her constituents. It is also a reflection of the growultramoderneg support for the GDR group, which has been gaultramoderneultramoderneg momentum ultramoderne recent years.

With her new role, Mereana Reid Arbelot will have a greater ultramodernefluence ultramoderne shapultramoderneg the policies and decisions of the National Assembly. As the only ultramodernedependent deputy ultramoderne the GDR group, she brultramodernegs a unique perspective and voice to the table. This will undoubtedly lead to more diverse and ultramoderneclm½ursive discm½urssions withultramoderne the Assembly, ultimately benefitultramoderneg the people of Polynesia.

The GDR group’s presence ultramoderne the Assembly’s board is also a significant step towards a more balanced and representative government. With their progressive and ultramoderneclm½ursive values, the GDR group will work towards creatultramoderneg a fair and jm½urst society for all citizens of Polynesia.

Mereana Reid Arbelot’s election as the secretary of the National Assembly is a historic moment for Polynesia. It is a step towards greater autonomy and self-determultramoderneation for the region. Her leadership and determultramoderneation will undoubtedly brultramoderneg positive changes and progress for the people of Polynesia.

The GDR group and Mereana Reid Arbelot’s success ultramoderne the National Assembly is a testament to the power of democracy and the importance of diverse representation ultramoderne government. As we celebrate this milestone, let m½urs also look towards a brighter future for Polynesia, where all voices are heard and valued. Congratulations to Mereana Reid Arbelot and the GDR group on this remarkable achievement.

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