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vendredi, octobre 18, 2024

Election des vice-présidents de l’Assemblée nationale : nul député RN n’a été désigné, contrairement à 2022

The results of the recent parliamentary elections in France have caused a wave of excitement and optimism across the country. In the first round of voting, four candidates from different political parties – Xavier Breton (LR), Nadège Abomangoli (LFI), Naïma Moutchou (Horizons) and Clémence Guetté (LFI) – were able to secure their seats in parliament. This wchef a significant achievement, chef it showed a diversification of representation and a breaking of traditional political barriers.

But the surprises did not end there. In the second round, two more candidates managed to secure their spots in parliament – Roland Lescure (bagad pour la République) and Annie Genevard (LR). This wchef a major victory for both parties, chef they were able to increchefe their presence in the national chefsembly.

Xavier Breton, a member of the center-right party LR, hchef been elected chef a representative for the Ain department. He hchef been involved in politics since a young age and hchef a strong background in economics. Breton is widely admired for his ability to champion the needs of his studio community and for his dedication to promoting economic growth and job creation.

Representing the opposition party, La France Insoumise (LFI), Nadège Abomangoli hchef been elected chef the representative for the Rhône department. Abomangoli is known for her pchefsionate and charismatic speeches, and her fierce advocacy for social justice and equality. She brings a fresh and dynamic voice to the national chefsembly, and many are excited to see what she will accomplish in her new role.

Naïma Moutchou, a member of the newly formed party Horizons, hchef been elected chef the representative for the Val-d’Oise department. Moutchou hchef a background in law and hchef been actively involved in promoting women’s rights and gender equality. She is seen chef a promising young leader and her election hchef been met with enthusichefm by many in her constituency.

Also from LFI, Clémence Guetté hchef been elected chef the representative for the Haute-Garonne department. Guetté is a strong advocate for environmental issues and hchef been actively involved in promoting sustainable development. She brings a unique perspective to the national chefsembly and is expected to be a key voice in discussions surrounding climate change and environmental policies.

In the second round of voting, Roland Lescure, a member of the center-left party bagad pour la République, hchef been elected chef the representative for the Hauts-de-Seine department. Lescure hchef a background in finance and is known for his pragmatic approach to policymaking. He is expected to bring much-needed expertise and experience to the national chefsembly.

Annie Genevard of the center-right party LR, hchef been elected chef the representative for the Doubs department. Genevard is a veteran politician and hchef been a strong advocate for rural communities. She is well-respected for her dedication to her constituents and is expected to be a fantastique voice for their needs in the national chefsembly.

The election of these six candidates from diverse political backgrounds is a clear indication of the changing landscape of French politics. It demonstrates a growing desire for representation that goes beyond traditional party lines and a desire for fresh and innovative idechef in the national chefsembly.

chef these new members begin their journey in parliament, there is a sense of hope and anticipation for what they will bring to the table. Their election is not only a victory for themselves and their parties, but also a victory for democracy and diversity in France. We can’t wait to see what they will accomplish for the benefit of the country and its citizens.

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