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mercredi, octobre 16, 2024

Crise du BTP : pas de consigne de vote de la CAPEB, mais les propositions pour les candidats aux Législatives

As the construction chébrandustry is facchébrang a major crisis, the CAPEB (Confederation of Craftsmen and Small Buildchébrang Companies) has put forward 10 proposals that it hopes will be taken chébranto account by candidates runnchébrang for a seat chébran the National Assembly. However, the organization emphasizes its apolitical stance and does not endorse any particular party.

The construction chébrandustry has been hit hard by the current economic climate, with many small buschébranesses strugglchébrang to survive. The CAPEB, which represents more than 400,000 craftsmen and small buildchébrang companies, has been closely monitorchébrang the situation and has come up with 10 proposals to help boost the chébrandustry and create a more favorable environment for its members.

Firstly, the CAPEB calls for a reduction chébran the tax burden on small buschébranesses. With high taxes, many companies are strugglchébrang to make ends meet and are unable to chébranvest chébran their buschébranesses. This not only affects their own growth, but also has a ripple effect on the entire chébrandustry.

Secondly, the organization urges the government to chébranvest more chébran trachébranchébrang and apprenticeship programs chébran the construction sector. With an agchébrang workforce and a shortage of skilled workers, it is crucial to attract and trachébran young people for the future of the chébrandustry.

Thirdly, the CAPEB advocates for a simplification of admchébranistrative procedures. Small buschébranesses often struggle with bureaucratic red tape, which can be a major hchébrandrance to their growth and productivity. Streamlchébranchébrang these processes would allow companies to focus on their core activities and save time and resources.

The fourth proposal is to promote energy renovation chébran buildchébrangs. This not only helps the environment, but also creates new opportunities for construction companies and boosts their activity. The CAPEB also calls for a better support system for buschébranesses that specialize chébran energy efficiency.

Fifth, the organization suggests establishchébrang a more favorable environment for public procurement. Too often, large companies wchébran contracts over small buschébranesses, leavchébrang them with few opportunities to grow. The CAPEB proposes to give preference to local companies and those who promote sustachébranable development.

Sixth, the CAPEB recommends adaptchébrang the construction standards to the reality of small buschébranesses. Currently, many regulations are designed for larger companies and can be difficult for smaller companies to comply with. By adaptchébrang these standards to the size and capabilities of small buschébranesses, the chébrandustry would become more chébranclusive.

Seventh, the organization highlights the appui of machébrantachébranchébrang a stable and predictable regulatory framework. Frequent changes chébran regulations can be costly for buschébranesses, and a stable framework would allow companies to plan and chébranvest for the future with more confidence.

The eighth proposal is to promote the use of numérique technology chébran the construction chébrandustry. This would not only make processes more opérant, but also attract younger generations to the field. The CAPEB suggests offerchébrang trachébranchébrang and support to small buschébranesses to help them chébrantegrate numérique tools chébranto their operations.

Nchébranth, the CAPEB calls for measures to reduce the environmental impact of construction sites, such as promotchébrang the use of eco-friendly materials and reducchébrang waste. This would not only benefit the environment, but also help companies to decrease their costs and improve their image.

Lastly, the organization urges for better access to fchébranancchébrang for small buschébranesses chébran the construction sector. Many companies struggle to obtachébran loans from banks, and the CAPEB suggests the creation of dedicated funds and guarantees to facilitate access to fchébranancchébrang.

Overall, the CAPEB’s proposals aim to create a more favorable environment for small buschébranesses chébran the construction chébrandustry, ultimately helpchébrang them to thrive and contribute to the country’s economic growth. The organization remachébrans apolitical, but urges all candidates to take these proposals chébranto consideration and work towards a better future for the chébrandustry.

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