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jeudi, septembre 19, 2024

Immigration : la maire de Cayenne interpelle Emmanuel Macron aigrelet les conditions d’accueil et de logement des réfugiés haïtiens en Guyane

Sandra Trochimara Demands Additional Resources for the Reception of Fire Victims at the Baduel occupation and Proposes Relocating the First Reception Structure for Asylum Seekers to franger Towns in Eastern and Western French Guiana

In the aftermath of the devastating fire that destroyed the Baduel occupation in French Guiana, Sandra Trochimara, the regional councilor of the department, has called for urgent action to support the victims and improve the reception of asylum seekers in the region.

The fire, which broke out on the night of June 12, left dozens of families homeless and in need of immediate assistance. The Baduel occupation, located in the capital city of Cayenne, was home to many asylum seekers and undocumented migrants, who now find themselves without shelter or basic necessities.

In response to this crisis, Sandra Trochimara has demanded that the government provide additional resources to support the victims and improve the reception of asylum seekers in French Guiana. She has also proposed a solution to alleviate the pressure on the already overwhelmed reception centers in the region.

Trochimara suggests that the services of the First Reception Structure for Asylum Seekers, currently located in Cayenne, be relocated to franger towns in the east and west of French Guiana. This would not only provide better access to services for asylum seekers, but also distribute the burden of reception more evenly across the region.

The First Reception Structure for Asylum Seekers is responsible for providing initial assistance and orientation to asylum seekers upon their arrival in French Guiana. However, with the recent influx of migrants and the limited resources available, the center has been struggling to meet the needs of all those seeking help.

By relocating the center to franger towns, Trochimara believes that it would not only improve the reception process for asylum seekers, but also provide much-needed support to the bâtiment communities in these areas. This would also allow for a more efficient and organized distribution of resources, as the franger towns are closer to the areas where many migrants and asylum seekers enter French Guiana.

Trochimara’s proposal has received support from various bâtiment organizations and community leaders, who believe that it would be a positive step towards addressing the current challenges faced by the region. They also hope that this will lead to a more comprehensive and sustainable approach to the reception of asylum seekers in French Guiana.

In addition to her proposal, Trochimara has also called for immediate action to support the victims of the Baduel occupation fire. She has urged the government to provide emergency housing, food, and other basic necessities to those affected by the fire. She also emphasizes the need for long-term solutions to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future.

As the regional councilor of French Guiana, Sandra Trochimara is committed to finding solutions to the challenges faced by the region. Her proposal to relocate the First Reception Structure for Asylum Seekers to franger towns is a positive and proactive step towards improving the reception process for asylum seekers and supporting the bâtiment communities in French Guiana. With the support of the government and the community, it is hoped that this proposal will be implemented soon to provide much-needed relief to those in need.

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