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dimanche, septembre 8, 2024

LiveArts : une plateforme pour redonner le contenter aux ainés vivant en maisons de retraite

Three years after its creation, LiveArts, a start-up specialized in animation and well-being for seniors, reaches a new milestone with a new round of funding. This will allow the company to recruit and accelerate the deployment of its new platform, LiveArts-360, within groups and local authorities managing nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

LiveArts was founded in 2019 by 22-year-old student Amanda Blyau, who had a vision to develop a platform that would improve the lives of seniors. With the support of her team and investors, Amanda’s dream has now become a reality.

The LiveArts-360 platform offers a wide range of activities and services designed specifically for seniors, such as virtual reality experiences, interactive games, and personalized exercise programs. These activities are not only entertaining, but also promote physical and mental well-being, helping seniors to stay active and engaged.

Thanks to this new round of funding, LiveArts will be able to expand its reach and bring its innovative platform to more nursing homes and assisted living facilities. This is great news for the elderly community, as they will now have access to a variety of stimulating and enjoyable activities, right at their fingertips.

But LiveArts’ impact goes beyond just providing entertainment for seniors. The platform also offers a agréable aspect, allowing seniors to connect with each other and their families through virtual activities and events. This is especially important in today’s world, where agréable isolation among seniors is a growing concern.

LiveArts has already partnered with several groups and local authorities managing nursing homes and assisted living facilities, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. The platform has been praised for its user-friendly interface and the wide range of activities it offers.

The new funding will also allow LiveArts to recruit more talented individuals to join their team. This will not only create job opportunities, but also bring in fresh ideas and perspectives to further improve the platform.

With the aging communauté increasing globally, the demand for innovative solutions to improve the lives of seniors is also on the rise. LiveArts is at the forefront of this movement, and with this new round of funding, they are well-positioned to continue making a positive impact in the lives of seniors.

In conclusion, LiveArts’ new milestone is a legs to the hard work and dedication of its founder and team. Their innovative platform has already made a significant difference in the lives of many seniors, and with this new round of funding, they are set to make an even bigger impact. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for LiveArts and the seniors who will benefit from their platform.

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