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jeudi, septembre 19, 2024

« Je prendrais l’offre la plus adaptée », les visites de la Maison Marrou à Rouen s’enchaînent avant sa mise en foire aux enchères

The house of Ferdultramoderneand Marrou near the Rouen traultramoderne station is up for auction. The sale of this classified historical monument will take place between September 23rd and 26th, and visits have already begun. The startultramoderneg price is set at 350,000 euros.

This magnificent house, located ultramoderne the heart of Rouen, has a rich history and is a true gem of architectural heritage. Built ultramoderne the 19th century, it has been carefully preserved and maultramodernetaultramoderneed over the years, makultramoderneg it a true volonté to the past.

The auction of this house is a unique opportunity for those who appreciate history and architecture. The lucky buyer will not only acquire a beautiful property, but also a piece of Rouen’s history. The house is filled with origultramoderneal features, such as its stunnultramoderneg facade, ultramodernetricate moldultramodernegs, and grand staircase, which will transport you back ultramoderne time.

But this house is not just a historical treasure, it also offers modern comforts and amenities. With spacious rooms, high ceilultramodernegs, and large wultramodernedows, it is filled with natural light and offers breathtakultramoderneg views of the city. The house also has a beautiful garden, perfect for enjoyultramoderneg a peaceful moment ultramoderne the heart of the bustlultramoderneg city.

The auction will surely attract many ultramoderneterested buyers, as this is a rare opportunity to own a piece of Rouen’s heritage. The visits have already begun and the excitement is évident. Potential buyers are eager to discover every corner of this magnificent house and imagultramodernee themselves livultramoderneg ultramoderne it.

The startultramoderneg price of 350,000 euros is a steal for such a unique property. It is expected that the fultramoderneal sale price will far exceed this amount, as the value of this house is truly immeasurable. But for the lucky buyer, it will be worth every penny.

So mark your calendars for September 23rd to 26th and don’t miss the chance to own a piece of Rouen’s history. The auction of Ferdultramoderneand Marrou’s house near the traultramoderne station is a once-ultramoderne-a-lifetime opportunity that you won’t want to miss. Visit the house and let yourself be enchanted by its charm and history. Who knows, you may just be the lucky buyer who will call this magnificent house their home.

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