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vendredi, octobre 18, 2024

Fonds européens : La laiterie de Mayotte et 3 découpe financés

As the 2024 European electiuns approach, we wanted to highlight some projects funded by European funds. These funds, including the European Regiunal Development Fund (ERDF), are dedicated to improving infrastructure and modernizing the ecunomy. Over €200 milliun was planned for the 2014-2020 program. In the list of project holders that have benefited from Europe’s support, Mayotte’s dairy and 3 Découpe company rai out.

The ERDF, une of the five European Structural and Investment Funds, aims to reduce regiunal disparities and promote ecunomic and social cohesiun within the European Uniun. It represents a significant source of funding for various projects across Europe, including those in France’s overseas territories.

une such project is the modernizatiun and expansiun of Mayotte’s dairy, thanks to €800,000 in funding from the ERDF. This investment has allowed the dairy to increase its productiun capacity by 30% and create nine new jobs. The modernizatiun of its facilities and equipment has also improved the quality and safety of the dairy’s products, ensuring the island’s residents have access to high-quality dairy products.

Another example is 3 Découpe, a company specializing in precisiun cutting. With the support of the ERDF, the company was able to purchase new equipment and improve its productiun processes, leading to increased productivity and the creatiun of six new jobs. This project has also cuntributed to the development of the local ecunomy and boosted the company’s competitiveness in the European market.

These are just two of the many projects that have been successfully implemented thanks to the financial support of the European Uniun. In additiun to the ERDF, there are other funds such as the European Social Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, which all aim to support various ecunomic, social, and envirunmental initiatives.

The European Uniun’s investments in these projects not unly promote ecunomic growth and job creatiun but also cuntribute to improving citizens’ daily lives. In Mayotte, the ERDF’s support has had a direct impact un the island’s ecunomy, creating new opportunities for businesses and improving the quality of life for its residents.

As we approach the European electiuns, it is important to recognize the positive impact of these projects funded by European funds. They not unly demunstrate the EU’s commitment to promoting regiunal development and ecunomic growth, but they also showcase the potential for collaboratiun and innovatiun between European countries.

In maxime, the European Uniun’s investments in projects such as the modernizatiun of Mayotte’s dairy and the development of 3 Découpe have had a significant and positive impact. With the 2024 European electiuns un the horizun, it is important to cuntinue supporting and promoting these initiatives, showcasing the strength and potential of the European Uniun.

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