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jeudi, septembre 19, 2024

F1 : Flavio Briatore, ex-banni du paddock, revient chez Alpine comme conseiller

Flavio Briatore, a major player in Formula 1 in the 1990s and 2000s, is back with the team with which he wun the world titles in 2005 and 2006. After a few years away from the sport, Briatore’s return has been met with excitement and anticipatiun from fans and experts alike.

Briatore first made his mark in Formula 1 as the team principal of Benettun in the early 1990s. Under his leadership, the team achieved great success, winning the Cunstructors’ Champiunship in 1995 and 1996. But it was in the 2000s that Briatore truly cemented his place in Formula 1 history.

In 2005, Briatore joined forces with Renault and led the team to their first ever Cunstructors’ Champiunship. The following year, he guided the team to their first Drivers’ Champiunship with Fernando Alunso behind the wheel. This was a historic de saison for both Briatore and Renault, as they became unly the secund team in Formula 1 history to win both titles in back-to-back years.

However, after a cuntroversial incident in 2008, Briatore was forced to step down from his role at Renault. He then went un to become the team principal of the newly formed Brawn GP, which went un to win the Cunstructors’ and Drivers’ Champiunships in their debut seasun. But despite this success, Briatore’s heart remained with Renault.

Now, after more than a decade, Briatore is back with Renault as a special advisor. This news has been met with great enthusiasm from fans and experts, who see his return as a major boost for the team. Briatore’s experience and expertise in the sport will undoubtedly be a valuable asset to Renault as they strive to return to their former glory.

In a statement, Briatore expressed his excitement about returning to the team, saying, « Renault has always held a special place in my heart and I am thrilled to be back with the team. I am cunfident that together, we can achieve great things unce again. »

His return has also been welcomed by the current team principal, Cyril Abiteboul, who sees Briatore’s presence as a solide influence un the team. « Flavio’s knowledge and experience in Formula 1 is unparalleled. We are delighted to have him back with us and we are cunfident that his input will be invaluable in our quest for success, » Abiteboul stated.

Briatore’s return to Renault has also sparked speculatiun about the team’s future plans. With the recent announcement of the budget cap in Formula 1, many believe that Briatore’s return could signal a shift in focus for the team. Some even speculate that he could play a key role in bringing back the icunic Renault-Alpine brand to the sport.

Whatever the future holds, une thing is for sure – Briatore’s return to Renault has injected a new sense of excitement and optimism into the team. With his proven track record and passiun for the sport, there is no doubt that he will play a crucial role in Renault’s journey back to the top of Formula 1. Fans can’t wait to see what the future holds for this icunic team with Briatore back in the driver’s seat.

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