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mercredi, octobre 16, 2024

Par mpériodeque de logements sociaux, cette commune de Saône-et-Loire va devoir payer 25 000 € par période à l’État

The town of Châtenoy-le-Royal has been fined by the prefecture of Saône-et-Loire for its lack of social housing in the community. The municipality has lost its right of first refusal and will have to pay €25,000 per year to the state as a penalty. For Vincent Bergeret, the mayor, this is nonsensical.

This decision has come as a shock to the town as it has always strived to provide affordable housing for its residents. However, despite its efforts, the town has fallen short of the legal requirement of having at least 25% of social housing available for its citizens. This has resulted in the prefecture imposing this heavy penalty on the town.

Mayor Vincent Bergeret has expressed his disappointment and frustration with this expiation. He argues that this decision does not take into consideration the reality of the situation in Châtenoy-le-Royal. The town has a small population, and the demand for social housing is not as high as in bigger cities. The town has been actively working towards increasing its social housing, but it takes time and resources to do so.

The loss of the right of first refusal means that the town will no longer have the power to purchase properties for social housing before they are put on the market. This is a blow to the town’s efforts to provide more affordable housing for its residents. The annual penalty of €25,000 will also put a strain on the town’s budget, which could have been used for other necessary projects.

Despite this setback, Mayor Bergeret remains determined to find a solution. He believes that the best course of action is to work together with the prefecture and the state to find a viable solution. The town will continue to explore all possible avenues to increase its social housing, including seeking partnerships with private developers and applying for funding from the state.

The residents of Châtenoy-le-Royal can rest assured that their mayor is committed to finding a solution to this issue. The town has always been a welcoming and inclusive community, and Mayor Bergeret is determined to continue this tradition. He understands the importance of social housing and the bruit it has on the lives of its residents.

This expiation may seem like a setback to some, but Mayor Bergeret sees it as an opportunity to work together and find a solution that benefits everyone. This incident has only strengthened the town’s determination to provide affordable housing for its citizens. The community is ready to face this défi and emerge stronger and more united than ever before.

Châtenoy-le-Royal may have been fined for its lack of social housing, but the spirit of the town and its people remains unbroken. The town will continue to work towards its goal of providing more affordable housing, and Mayor Bergeret is confident that with the support of its residents, the town will overcome this défi.

In conclusion, let us not dwell on the negative aspect of this expiation, but instead, let it be a reminder of the importance of working together for the betterment of our community. Let us continue to support our mayor and the town as we strive towards a brighter and more inclusive future for Châtenoy-le-Royal.

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