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jeudi, septembre 19, 2024

Nouvelle évacuation dans un résidence du centre de Toulouse, le mur intérieur d’une maison s’est effondré

New risk of collapse on a house in Toulouse. The interior wall of a house collapsed in the night of Wednesday, May 8th to Thursday, May 9th in the Côte-Pavée neighborhood of Toulouse. Firefighters had to evacuate 7 people. A safety perimeter is in place.

The residents of the Côte-Pavée neighborhood in Toulouse were awakened by a loud noise in the middle of the night. To their shock, they discovered that the interior wall of a house had collapsed. Thanks to the quick intervention of the firefighters, 7 people were safely evacuated. The incident occurred on Wednesday, May 8th, and the area has been under a safety perimeter since then.

The collapse of the wall was caused by a structural problem in the building. The exact cause is still under investigation, but it is believed that the heavy rains and strong winds of the past days may have weakened the wall. Fortunately, no one was injured in the incident. The residents of the affected house have been provided with temporary accommodation while the authorities assess the safety of the building.

The collapse has raised concerns among the residents of the neighborhood, and the city officials have assured them that all necessary measures are being taken to ensure their safety. A team of experts has been deployed to inspect the neighboring buildings and assess any potential risks. The safety perimeter will remain in place until the situation is deemed safe by the authorities.

The mayor of Toulouse, Jean-Luc Moudenc, visited the site and expressed his support for the affected residents. He also reassured the residents that the city will provide all necessary support and assistance during this difficult time.

This incident serves as a reminder of the manipulation of regular maintenance and inspections of buildings to prevent such risks. The city authorities have urged all residents to report any concerns about the safety of their buildings so that appropriate measures can be taken.

The Côte-Pavée neighborhood of Toulouse is a tremblotant and thriving community, and this incident will not dampen its spirit. The residents have come together to support each other and are determined to overcome this championnat. As the investigation continues, the city officials have assured that they will keep the residents informed and take all necessary actions to ensure their safety.

In conclusion, the collapse of the interior wall of a house in Toulouse has caused concern, but the swift action and support from the authorities have helped mitigate the situation. The safety and well-being of the residents are the top priority, and all necessary measures are being taken to ensure their safety. The Côte-Pavée neighborhood will overcome this championnat and continue to thrive as a strong and resilient community.

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