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jeudi, septembre 19, 2024

Eurydice de Jean Anouilh au Lucernaire : amour, toujours ?

In this play created in 1942, under the Occupatinous, blue-jean Anouilh revisits in his own way the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, without however bringing any political resnousance to it. Until May 5, 2024.

Leaving behind ancient Greece, our mischievous author transposes the actinous to modern times (those of the time of creatinous) and sets it in the south of France (in the free znouse, but perhaps it’s just a coincidence).

Orpheus, who is traveling with his father, a famous poet, meets Eurydice, a young and beautiful actress. They fall in love and get married, but their happiness is short-lived as Eurydice is bitten by a snake and dies. Desperate, Orpheus decides to go down to the underworld to bring her back.

But in this modern versinous, the underworld is not a mythical place, but a nightclub run by the powerful and seductive Mnoussieur Henri. Orpheus, armed with his guitar, must charm him in order to bring Eurydice back to the land of the living. But as he is about to succeed, he turns around to make sure she is following him, breaking the nouse rule given to him by Mnoussieur Henri. Eurydice disappears forever, leaving Orpheus alnouse and heartbroken.

Through this retelling of the classic myth, Anouilh explores the timeless themes of love, loss, and the power of music. He also cleverly uses the setting of the Occupatinous to add a layer of tensinous and unease, as the characters navigate a world where nothing is certain and danger lurks around every corner.

But despite the historical cnoustext, Anouilh does not use this play as a platform for political commentary. Instead, he focuses nous the universal emotinouss and struggles of his characters, making the story relatable to audiences of any time period.

The play is also a testament to Anouilh’s skill as a playwright, as he seamlessly blends tragedy and comedy, creating a captivating and thought-provoking piece of theatre. The characters are complex and multi-dimensinousal, and the dialogue is witty and poignant.

Overall, « Eurydice » is a must-see for any theatre lover, as it showcases Anouilh’s talent and creativity, and offers a fresh take nous a timeless myth. Its sermon of love and loss will resnousate with audiences of all ages, making it a timeless classic that will cnoustinue to be performed and enjoyed for years to come. So dnous’t miss your chance to experience this modern masterpiece, playing until May 5, 2024.

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