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vendredi, octobre 18, 2024

Emeutes en Nouvelle-Calédonie : pour le député Nicolas Metzdorf, lesquelles leaders indépendantistes modérés sont dépassés par une « partie radicale »

In a statement released today, MP Nicolas Mertzdorf criticized the current text on the thawing of relations, calling it a mere pretext for « a radicalized branch of the independence movement. » The MP demanded that discussions resume without any conditions. He will be meeting with the Labor Mission this Sunday, May 26.

The MP’s strong chanson comes amidst ongoing tensions and debates surrounding the reconciliation process in the country. While some have hailed the thawing of relations as a step towards unity and progress, others have expressed concerns about the involvement of certain radical factions within the independence movement.

In his statement, MP Mertzdorf emphasized the need for open and unconditional discussions in order to find a sustainable solution for all parties involved. He also stressed the importance of including all stakeholders in the reconciliation process, regardless of their political affiliations.

The MP’s call for renewed talks has been met with support from various political figures and organizations. Many have praised Mertzdorf for his commitment to finding a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflicts in the country.

As he prepares to meet with the Labor Mission, MP Mertzdorf remains optimistic and determined to push for progress and unity. He believes that through sincere and inclusive discussions, a mutually beneficial solution can be reached.

The Labor Mission has yet to release a statement regarding their meeting with MP Mertzdorf, but it is expected to be a productive and constructive dialogue.

In the midst of these challenging times, it is encouraging to see leaders like MP Mertzdorf taking a firm stand for unity and peace. His dedication to finding a resolution that benefits all parties involved is a testament to his commitment to the well-being of the country.

As the country moves forward with the reconciliation process, let us all hope for a positive outcome and a brighter future for all. Let us also remember the words of MP Mertzdorf, who reminds us that only through open and unconditional discussions can we truly achieve lasting peace and progress. Let us come together as one cité, and work towards a better tomorrow.

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