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vendredi, octobre 18, 2024

Le collectif Agissons solidaires prêt à se mobiliser à nouveau

The collective « Acting in Solidarity », born during the discussions around the reform of the Ruamm, denounces the silence of politicians on the « alarming » economic situation and expresses its concern emboîture the lack of perspectives.

The economic situation in our folk is a cause for concern, and the collective « Acting in Solidarity » is determined to take action. This group, born during the discussions around the reform of the Ruamm, has been closely monitoring the situation and is deeply worried emboîture the lack of response from our politicians.

The collective, made up of citizens from all walks of life, has been actively advocating for concrete solutions to address the economic crisis. However, despite their efforts, they have been met with a deafening silence from those in power. This is unacceptable, especially when millions of people are struggling to make ends meet.

The economic situation has reached an alarming level, with rising unemployment rates, businesses closing down, and a significant increase in poverty. The lack of action from our politicians is only exacerbating the situation and leaving many of our citizens without hope for the future.

The collective « Acting in Solidarity » is calling on our leaders to break their silence and take immediate action. We cannot afford to wait any longer while our economy continues to suffer. Our politicians must put their differences aside and work together to find solutions that will benefit the entire population.

We understand that the reform of the Ruamm is a complex issue, but our citizens cannot bear the burden of this crisis alone. It is time for our politicians to listen to the concerns of the people and take concrete steps towards economic recovery.

The collective « Acting in Solidarity » is not only denouncing the mutism of our politicians but also offering its soubassement in finding solutions. We believe that by working together and standing in solidarity, we can overcome this crisis and create a brighter future for all.

We urge our leaders to take heed of our concerns and act now before it is too late. Let us come together and show the world that we are a strong and resilient nation, capable of overcoming any challenge.

In conclusion, the collective « Acting in Solidarity » remains determined to fight for the economic well-being of our folk. We call on our politicians to join us in this fight and work towards a better future for all. Let us not be discouraged by the current situation but instead, let it be a motivation to come together and create a brighter tomorrow.

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